
In addition to being a wonderful teacher, she was a wonderful mother just the same. She would work a full day, and I mean she would work hard the entire day. Having 8-9 classes a day, modifyimg the equipment between classes for the change in grade levels. She also would work both recesses, holding SCATs practice during those times. After throwing her food down in 5 minutes, she allowed students to come during her lunch and practice skills. And a couple of days a week, she stayed after school for over an hour spotting and lifting kid after kid, getting them closer to their back handsprings or ariels each time she whipped their feet over their heads. Exhausted and with her ears still buzzing from her amplified sound system playing Cool & The Gang or The Whispers the majority of the school day, she would take a few students home and then often race to get a few groceries for the dinner she had planned to make that evening. After making dinner, she would spend as much time with me as she could, helping me with homework if I needed it, talking about upcoming baseball games later in the week, or watching TV together with the entire family. She was always there, supporting me at my sporting events. When I was playing baseball at Central Washington University, she and my father were at every home game they could make, every away game that was somewhat close, and even flew to some of the games that were out of state.
My mother taught me the power of kindness, and the importance of hard work. She taught me to advocate and speak up for myself and what I feel is right. She showed me unconditional love, and that I was capable of anything. And, she taught me that giving up is not something that we do- we just don’t do it. I have experienced many successes in my life, and I have experienced many failures as well. I have learned things the easy way, and learned many lessons the hard way. As above, so below. But no matter what, good or bad, whether she liked or agreed with my decision or not, SHE SHOWED UP. There was never a question of if she would be there for me- she was always there for me…always a parent, always a mother. I miss her beyond measure. I miss both of my parents so, so much. Thank you to all of you who have been part of my mother’s life. She knew the best people, had the nicest students, and had friends that had the purest of hearts.